Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vintages' Holiday Open House • Nov. 6th

Save the Date ...
Vintages will hold its 
Annual Holiday Open House
on Saturday, November 6th.  

Special Offers • Refreshments • Prize Drawing

And we will be unveiling our complete 
Christmas Holiday Collection!

Come join us and have some fun and kick off the Holidays.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Santos • Carved Statues of Saints and Angels

Santo is a traditional Mexican genre of sculpture, carvings in wood or ivory of saints, angels, or other religious figures. Santo comes from the Spanish word meaning "saint".  The Spanish colonials in America carved these statues as part their own religious worship and to help convert the Native Americans to Catholicism.  Images were central to their education and understanding of the saints angels.

The early Santos were probably imitations of Spanish Baroque statues carved by priests. Later Santos were influenced by native styles, incorporating themes, dress and articles of local significance. These popular figures were found in home altars, shrines and churches.
Large standing Santo with movable arms and legs. ($325.00)
Santos are normally full figures, usually standing, but busts and half-figures on cages are not uncommon.  The figures with the cages were traditionally dressed by the local ladies with costumes to celebrate different holy days.
Santo bust atop a vintage tapestry. (Santo $79.95; Tapestry $195.00)
Originally common throughout Latin America and other areas of the world that were colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese, the tradition of Santo carving continues as a folk art in parts of New Mexico.
Decorated bottle w/rosary ($195.00), Prayer books ($45.00-245.00)
Carved hearts ($59.95 & $79.95), Jeweled heart ($45.95), Burlap bean bags ($11.95), Vintage shoe form ($19.95)
We recently added a number of Santos and other carved and religious items.  The Santos are contemporary reproductions of the traditional statues that are meticulously recreated.  We offer these in our shop, along with our selection of vintage religious medals, crosses, rosaries and prayer books. (See an earlier post about Rosaries, Prayer Books & Religious Medals).
Rosaries and Prayer books
Angels on stands ($29.95)
Standing Santo ($139.00) and Hand painted cabinet ($89.00)
Votive candle holders ($7.95 & $8.95), Jeweled heart ($45.95), Decorated crown ($65.00